Artist Statement:
The works in this show originated out of a trip to my birthplace, South Africa, in 2010. We walked on vast dunes, explored beaches with extraordinary rock formations and we saw vast expanses of land leading to ranges of mountains folding in on each other in blues, pinks and mauves. In the desert I slept under skies immensely dark and full of stars. It made me feel insignificant, but equally significant, because I felt a part of it. It was a time of reflection in a place of great quietness and peace. Our ancestors all originated in this amazing country, full of heartache, beauty, contrasts and wisdoms. In my dreams and meditations I return often to an African landscape. It guides me in the spiritual path that I am on.
I continue with the Journey series, closer to home, inspired by relationships, family and friends; exploring the circles and the cycles, the cells of life within the rings of life, the sun and the moon rising every day. Love, fear, heartache, transformation, the inner and outer worlds and the spaces between, all deeply inform me. Nature, and my daily walk beside the Kennebecasis River, are vitally important to me, connecting me with the beauty of the wildlife, the cliffs, the water and the trees. When I find an experience in nature inspiring me, I begin a piece. It is like a meditation for me, often layers of painting moving through emotions to come to the place to which I’m taken.
Nature is my beloved spiritual teacher and I am continually awed by her beauty and grateful for her constant sureness, support and wise teachings.
I feel no separation between me as a person and me as an artist. Life is art and art is life.