Kathy Hooper

Mountains of Wonder and Tangles of Truth: Kathy Hooper, a retrospective  |  Port Saint John and City Galleries  |  November 3 – December 20, 2023 Kathy Hooper’s remarkable career spans six decades of curiosity and creation, and demonstrates what it means to confront our fear and our delight in equal measure. Leading by example, she bravely honours the fullness of …

Carnegie Rughookers (2023)

Then & Now  |  Canada Games & Library Galleries  |  November 3 – December 20, 2023 Group Biography The Carnegie Rughookers began meeting in 2004 in the beautiful Carnegie building, formerly known as the Saint John Free Public Library, currently the Saint John Arts Centre. Coming into our 20th year, we continue to be inspired by the art exhibits that …


Super-vision: Painters Mentored by Herzl Kashetsky |  Upstairs Galleries  |  September 8 – October 27, 2023 Under the watchful supervision of artist Herzl Kashetsky, two groups meet once a week to paint, receive guidance and share their love of painting. There is no specific curriculum, and each person is encouraged along their own personal path of development. All are engaged …

Lorraine Roy

Woven Woods  |  City Gallery  |  September 8 – October 27, 2023 Artist Statement In the top six inches of the forest floor lies a vast and flourishing communication system as old as photosynthesis itself. This is where we find an exquisitely balanced symbiotic relationship between mycorrhizal fungi and tree roots which provides a network of channels for resources and messages between …

Fred Harrison

Inside the Port: Port Saint John Residency 2023  |  Port Saint John Gallery  |  September 8 – October 27, 2023 Saint John Arts Centre and Port Saint John are pleased to announce an exhibit opening of 16 paintings featuring the Port of Saint John and people working in the port environment in the Port Saint John Gallery September 8th, 2023.  …

The Morning Club

The Morning Club: Students of Fred Harrison  |  Canada Games Gallery  |  July 7 – September 1, 2023 When our group needed a new location to continue meeting, Andrew Keirstead offered to host us at the Arts Centre. It has proven to be a most inspiring experience. Not only do we have a home, but the constant influence of changing …

Maurice Cormier

Smoke Signals and Radio Waves  |  Library Gallery  |  July 7 – September 1, 2023 Smoke Signals and Radio Waves, a 2021 work which consists of 20 small 2” x 2” linocut prints, limited edition of 10, was conceived in a moment of great contemplation, sitting next to my mother who, in palliative care, was living her last moments.  I …

Bonny Hill

The Power of One  |  Rotunda Gallery  |  July 7 – September 1, 2023 About The Power of One This cardboard installation recreates an 1800 piece section of the 14,000 piece public art installation installed on unceded territories near Sussex Middle School in June of 2023 and documented through the accompanying video.  “Every Child Matters: Phyllis Webstad” is the third …

Toby Graser

Selected Works  |  Port Saint John Gallery  |  July 7 – September 1, 2023 About the Artist Toby Graser was born in Montreal, March 18, 1937. In 1960 she and her husband moved to Fredericton, New Brunswick. In 1993 she moved to Saint John. Toby studied art at the University of New Brunswick under Molly Lamb Bobak (1967-8) and Bruno …

Mary Joyce

Red  |  City Gallery  |  July 7 – September 1, 2023 Artist Statement and Biography In 2012 I began to make work celebrating resistance, inspired by actions of students in Montreal against proposed fee hikes in their post-secondary institutions. The red square held by a safety pin seen on clothing of persons active in city streets became the way to …