Dimensions 2021 / City Gallery / May 6 – June 30, 2022
From the Saskatchewan Craft Council
Dimensions 2021 is a vibrant and colourful exhibition, hosting a diverse range of technique and media: works in clay, wood, photography, metalwork, printmaking, basketry, fibre, and paper.
Dimensions is a biennial, juried, touring exhibition of contemporary craft organized by the Saskatchewan Craft Council (SCC) for over 40 years. Dimensions encourages Saskatchewan artists to push themselves creatively and technically. Craftspeople from all over Saskatchewan put forward work for consideration. This year, 130 works were submitted by 83 artists including 21 emerging artists, providing an impressive assortment of fine craft.
Selected works are unique, with individual expression; works have content as well as achieving technical and creative excellence. The Dimensions 2021 expert Jurors, David Freeman and Jane Kidd, were tasked with the challenge of selecting just 35 pieces for the exhibition and deciding which pieces might merit an award.
Nearly $12,000 of awards were presented, including the prestigious top prize, the Dimensions Award for the Outstanding Entry.
The Dimensions exhibition is a 40-year tradition, which carries on as the only open, juried, touring exhibition of contemporary craft in the province. Help us celebrate the many facets of Saskatchewan fine craft!