Citizens of Concordia Percival Gallery | November 5 – December 17, 2021 What is Concordia? Founded in 1825, the factory City of Concordia covered an island off the Northern shore of New Brunswick. Now forgotten, it was once one of the most important cities of the world. But the city held a dark secret, its people ruled by a government …
Bernard Quintal
Maritime Beaches… Rock! Rotunda Gallery | November 5 – December 17, 2021 Artist Statement I have been collecting rocks since early childhood and you wouldn’t believe how much space that takes in my house. As a kid, I walked many Maritime beaches because I thoroughly enjoyed the search, the digging, the joy of discovery. To this day that still represents …
Brandt Eisner
Shirts Vs Skins Library Gallery | November 5 – December 17, 2021 Artist Statement Using sports as a theme, Shirts Vs Skins questions what masculinity is, and how our identities are formed through cultural norms. “Shirts Vs Skins”, is a familiar phrase for any man who has played team sports. Rather than team colours, players would be divided into groups of those …
Bob Morouney
The Hidden House Catalogue of Artisanal Brassieres Port Saint John Gallery | November 5 – December 17, 2021 Artist Statement My practice is to explore a theme through numerous works. The Hidden House Catalogue of Artisanal Brassieres consists of one hundred and fifty drawings that imagine garments to express personality and empowerment, confront indignity, and remonstrate against the unquestioned assumptions …
Stephen Scott
“The Saint John Arts Centre has long been recognized as an organization which is dedicated to supporting New Brunswick artists by offering quality gallery space promoting contemporary exhibitions. Fredericton artist Stephen Scott’s exhibition “The (un)certainty of Seeing; the Paintings of Stephen Scott” marks a reflective moment in the production of work which has taken place over almost a decade. During …
Quilt or Sew with Margo (Nov. 2021)
IMPORTANT COVID POLICY UPDATE As of September 22, 2021, some New Brunswick businesses will require Proof of Vaccination to access non-essential services. All of SJAC’s programs (workshops, galleries, performing arts events, rental events) fall under the included categories of services. All people aged 12 and up will be required to show their record of immunization or medical exemption certificate and …