Cathy Love

Through My Heart Cathy has always felt blessed to live in New Brunswick surrounded by the incredible natural beauty found here.  Living for the first ten years of her life in St. Martins, the beaches of the Bay of Fundy became her playground and she continues to be drawn there for inspiration.  When outdoors with her camera the excitement of …

The Carnegie Rughookers (Nov. 2019)

The Carnegie Legacy The Carnegie Rughookers’ History Founded in September 2004, they took the name of their meeting place, the historic Carnegie Building, 20 Peel Plaza.  Originally, the Saint John Free Public Library, it is now home of the Saint John Arts Centre.  We meet every Friday morning, September to May, to share ideas and inspiration and to work on …

Victoria Piersig

Trading Places | Musings and Muses of an Iconic Watery Highway “If we want to maintain our lifestyles, we can’t just say no all the time” Trading Places is an invitation to a new conversation that transcends polarized positions about resource extraction and industry in Canada and provides an organizing framework for individuals and groups to begin a new conversation …

Riel Nason

Modern Selvage Quilting Artist Biography Riel Nason is a Canadian novelist and textile artist (quilter). She is known for her bold use of colour, humour and whimsy in her designs. Her works have been exhibited across Canada and included twice in Quilt Canada: The National Juried Show.  Her quilts have been featured in magazines in Canada, the United States, France, …