Entre: Mêler, Lacer, Lier.
Inter: Fuse, Lace, Relate
Presented by ArtsLink NB and the 3E collective (Emma Hassenchal, Erin Goodine and Emilie Grace Lavoie) is INTER: FUSE, LACE, RELATE a curated touring exhibition of the 2019 Cross-Cultural Creation Residency artists (Indigo Poirier, Tara Francis, and Nicole Haché).
The 2019 Cross-Cultural Creation Residency was organized in partnership with Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick(AAAPNB) and Mawi’art: Wabanaki Artist Collective.
Thanks you to the Sheila Hugh Mackay foundation, the Saint John Arts Centre and the Government of New Brunswick for your generous support.