We are so excited for our very own Maggie Higgins (Education & Outreach Coordinator and art educator here at SJAC), who has been featured in the latest episode of CBC Arts ‘Exhibitionists’. Filmmaker Matt Brown’s mini-documentary interviews Maggie about her current body of work as a practicing artist, Black Flock. View this great video spotlight below (note: there’s a very …
July 2019
Please join us with the artists to celebrate the opening of new exhibits in our second exhibition cycle of the year on Friday, September 6th, 2019 at 5:30pm! Featuring works by: Frazee Gallery: Jared Betts City Gallery: ‘Process’ – curated by Christiana Myers Canada Games Gallery: ArtsLink NB Cross Cultural Residency Library Gallery: Ken Waiwood Rotunda Gallery: Dr. Bob Smith
SSJ Stone Carving Workshops 2018
Finding Form: Creations from Sculpture Saint John Stone Carving Workshops In the summer of 2018, Saint John Arts Centre had the wonderful opportunity to partner once again with Sculpture Saint John to offer workshops to the public during the International Sculpture Symposium. With the assistance of generous funding by the Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation and Canaport LNG, SJAC presented a …
Laura Lamey
Fissures and Faults Artist Biography Laura Lamey has been teaching high school for over 20 years in Riverview, NB and continually advocates for the arts in the school and community. She has recently recommitted to her own practice following a one year educational leave and the completion of the Advanced Studio Practice program through NBCCD. The momentum Laura has built …
Third Space 2019
Coming soon!
SAQA 2019
Transitions Every life, every city, every human interaction undergoes change; combine this with nature’s changing seasons and landscapes, and a plethora of transitional episodes occur. With a combination of fabrics and threads, along with embellishments in lace, embroidery floss, wool, and found items, including dyeing, painting, colouring or stamping, the artist have hand-stitched or machine quilted their interpretation of the …