Kathryn and Andrew

Thank you, SHMF! (Art Centre Directors)

SJAC would like to thank the Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation for their ongoing generous support – we are very excited to be coordinating this initiative with our colleagues at the Charlotte Street Arts Centre! Please see this statement by the SHMF on this important project:

November 2018 Art Centre Directors Conference

The Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation is committed to supporting the vitality of the visual arts in New Brunswick through a variety of awards, scholarships and grants. In 2018, the foundation has taken an active role in facilitating networking events aimed at promoting collaboration and exchange. An Arts Advocacy Grant of $10,000 is awarded to Saint John Arts Centre, a key facilitator in a pan-provincial networking initiative for Directors of community arts centres.

Community Arts Centres play a key role in promotion of the arts in New Brunswick. SHMF applauds the vision of a working collective of art directors to advance the development of a strong communication and support network among the province’s many unique centres. More information on the November 19th conference is available through Andrew Kierstead (Director – Saint John Arts Centre), or Courtney Steeves (Director – Charlotte Street Arts Centre).