Carnegie Rughookers

jRughookers_10years_rugSJAC’s Resident Fiber Arts Group Welcomes You!

The Carnegie Rughookers were formed in Saint John in September 2004. They took their name from the historic Carnegie Building, the home of SJAC. The group meets here every Friday from 9:30am-12pm (September to May) to exchange information and ideas, to compare projects, and to work on their rughooking in a friendly, social atmosphere. The group occasionally participates in ‘hook-ins’ and workshops on various techniques, and arranges outings to places of interest to rughooking enthusiasts.

New members are welcome, whether beginners or experts. The group members range widely in level of experience, producing works as simple as coasters and hooked flowers, or as complex as wall hangings and full-size floor mats. The Carnegie Rughookers have participated in group exRughookers_group_pichibitions at the Saint John Arts Centre, the Saint John City Market, the Imperial Theatre, Sunbury Shores Arts & Nature Centre, and the Hooked Rug Museum of North America.

Anyone who is interested in finding out more about this fascinating art form, or who might like to give rughooking a try, is invited to drop in and visit the group Friday mornings at SJAC.

Enjoy these exhibits and projects by SJAC’s in-house fiber artists!

• Canada 150 project
• Places We Have Been: Journeys in Rughooking (2016 exhibit)
• A Murder at SJAC… of Crows, that is! (2012 exhibit)