Show Statement

This show came about as the result of a collective effort to make a big right out of a small wrong. One of our members (Lynn Kinsella, if you really must know) was to receive a prize – an original crow mat pattern. Through human error, she received a pattern depicting a pair of pears instead… not what she expected. Several Carnegie Rughookers offered to draw Lynn an original pattern – to make up for the disappointment. It was suggested as a challenge to the group, which ultimately led to this exhibit. The hooked articles in this show are all original designs, created and hooked by the rughookers themselves.

Like crows, we are a noisy, gregarious and sociable group… quite smart too! This exhibit is a testament to the warmth and camaraderie we feel towards our fellow rughookers. We receive much encouragement and support from each other and are always glad to return the favour.

The Carnegie Rug Hookers, named after the Carnegie building, home of the Saint John Arts Centre, meet every Friday morning from 9:30am to 12:00pm. Anyone interested in rug hooking is encouraged to join us, all are welcome.

Rug Hookers: Heather Kennedy, Pat Neill, Louise Gould, Pattie McKerall, Gwendolyn Henry, Lynn Kinsella , Paula Weiss , Jean McBrine, Joanne Harris, Tzigane Caddell, Sylvia Sherrard, Catherine Seely, Deanna Wong, Judy Boudreau, and Sally Downing.